How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain? 5 Easy Steps

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Knowing how to remove rust from bike chain is very crucial, given that rust is a common issue that can lead to a stiff, noisy chain prone to breakage. This corrosion can also damage your gears, sprockets, and other parts of your bike.

It forms when metal is exposed to moisture, dirt, and salt, which can happen in rainy, humid, or coastal areas. Fortunately, you can remove rust from your bicycle chain using some simple and effective methods.

In this blog post, I will show you how to remove rust from bike chain by cleaning, scrubbing, and lubricating your bicycle chain to restore its smoothness and shine. By following these steps, you can easily extend the life of your bicycle chain.

Required Tools and Materials

To effectively remove rust from a bike chain, gather these essential tools and materials:

  • Master Link or Chain Tool: To detach and reattach the chain from the bike.
  • Degreaser and Rag: To clean the chain from dirt and grease.
  • Steel Wool, Scouring Pad, or Bristle Brush: To scrub the corrosion off the chain.
  • Rust Remover or Natural Acid: To loosen and dissolve the oxidation from the chain.
  • Water: To rinse the chain from any residue or debris.
  • Towel, Cloth, Hair Dryer, Fan, or Compressed Air Can: To dry the chain from any moisture.
  • Lubricant: To protect the chain from corrosion and reduce friction.
  • Ruler, Chain Checker, or Digital Caliper: To check the chain condition and wear.

Make sure to use quality products for each step to enhance the longevity and performance of your bicycle chain.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain at Home?

Learn how to remove bicycle chain rust effectively by following the step by step guide below:

1. Clean the Chain Thoroughly

Before you can remove corrosion from your bike chain, you need to clean it well. To do this, you need to take the chain off the bike. You can use a master link or a chain tool to break the chain and remove it.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain at Home

Then, you need to use a degreaser and a rag to get rid of any dirt and grease from the chain. You can use products like WD-40, dish soap, or vinegar as degreasers.

Make sure to clean every part of the chain. Cleaning the chain before scrubbing the oxidation will make the process easier and more effective.

2. Scrub the Rust Away

The next step is to scrub the corrosion away from the chain. You can use a steel wool, a scouring pad, or a bristle brush to do this. You also need to use a rust remover or a natural acid to help loosen and dissolve the rust.

Scrub the Rust Away From Bike Chain

Moreover, you can use products like CLR, Evapo-Rust, or Bar Keepers Friend as rust removers. You can also use natural acids like lime juice, baking soda, or cola.

Apply the rust remover or the acid to the chain and scrub it gently and thoroughly. This will prevent damage and ensure a smooth operation.

3. Rinse and Dry the Chain

The third step is to rinse and dry the chain. You need to rinse the chain with water to remove any residue or debris from the cleaning and scrubbing process. Then, you need to dry the chain with a towel or a cloth to prevent corrosion from forming again.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain

You can also use methods or tools to speed up the drying process, such as a hair dryer, a fan, or a compressed air can. Make sure to dry the chain completely, as it will prepare it for the lubrication step. 

4. Lubricate the Chain

The fourth step is to lubricate the chain. You need to apply lubricant to the chain to protect it from corrosion and reduce friction. You need to choose the right type of lubricant for the chain, depending on the weather and riding conditions.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain

In addition, you can use wet, dry, or all-purpose lubricants. You can use products or brands that offer high-quality lubricants for bicycle chains, such as Finish Line, Park Tool, or White Lightning.

Apply a thin layer of lubricant to every part of the chain. Lubricating the chain regularly will extend its lifespan and improve its performance. 

5. Reattach the Chain

The final step is to reattach the chain to the bike. You can use a master link or a chain tool to do this. You need to adjust the chain tension and alignment to ensure a smooth and safe ride.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain

Additionally, you can use methods or tools to check the chain condition and wear, such as a ruler, a chain checker, or a digital caliper. If the chain is severely rusted or damaged, you should replace it with a new one that matches your drivetrain.

Does a Rusty Bike Chain Need to be Replaced?

The answer to whether you should clean or replace your rusty bicycle chain depends on the severity of the corrosion. If the corrosion is only on the surface, you can remove it by following the steps discussed.

How to Remove Rust from Bike Chain

However, if the oxidation has damaged the chain’s structure and performance, you should replace it with a new one that matches your drivetrain.

A rusty chain can cause more wear and tear on your other bike components, and even break while riding. Therefore, it is important to keep your chain clean and rust-free.

How to Avoid Rust in the Future?

To prevent corrosion from forming again after removing it, you need to take good care of your chain. Here are some tips to keep your chain rust-free:

  • Clean your chain regularly with a degreaser and a brush to remove any dirt and moisture that can cause corrosion.
  • Dry your chain thoroughly with a cloth or a hair dryer after washing it. Do not leave it wet or damp, as this can speed up rusting.
  • Lubricate your chain regularly with a dry lubricant that is suitable for your riding conditions. This will create a protective layer on your chain and prevent water and oxygen from reaching the metal.

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your chain and enjoy a smooth and safe ride.


Removing rust from your bicycle chain is important for a better, quieter, and safer ride. You can do this by following the steps of cleaning, scrubbing, rinsing, lubricating, and reattaching the chain. This will make your chain work better and last longer.

To avoid corrosion in the future, you should do things like cleaning regularly, drying well, lubricating properly, and staying away from harsh environments. You should also keep your bicycle inside and check your chain often for corrosion.

I hope you learned how to remove rust from bike chain, try the methods and products suggested, and let us know in the comments section how they work for you.


1. How to remove rust from a bike chain with WD-40?

Spray WD-40 on the rusted chain, wait, scrub with a brush, and wipe clean for effective rust removal.

2. How to clean a rusty bike chain with thinner?

Apply thinner on a cloth, rub the rusted chain, and wipe away rust and residue, ensuring a clean surface.

3. Does vinegar remove rust from bike chain?

Yes, soak the rusty chain in vinegar overnight, scrub with a brush, and rinse for rust removal.

4. Does CLR remove rust from bike chain?

Yes, apply CLR on the rusty chain, let it sit briefly, scrub with a brush, and rinse for rust removal.